Many are starting to plan for summer vacations. Right now using these credit card deals we have over 10 Free night in various hotels. That is not from spending money using the credit cards. It is from the sign up bonus – many offer enough points to get 2 rooms at an OK hotel or 1 night at a really good hotel – like one on the Beach. There are strategies to being approved for Lots and Lots of cards. All that info is in The Frugal Factor
Several people have asked me about the credit card deals, so this is the list.
Some links on the above list may no longer be active – I researched this list several weeks ago.
One more to add to the list Best Western The link provided will give you 15,000 points – enough for one night at one of thier Hotel + Suites – which will provide a buffet breakfast in the morning! Thats something I always look for!