Next time you purchase something online Pay with your PAYPAL acount. When you do you may see a BillmeLater Dialog Box offering $100 or $25 off your purchase.
I was lucky and got the $100 off….. at the time I only had $38 in my shopping cart. So I opened another browser windows and went back the store and added more stuff until my total was $101.34
When I completed the transaction I was a BillmeLater customer (which shows in your paypal account). In 90 days I will get a bill by email for the total of my transaction minus $100. So, I will owe only $1.34
I does not matter what store you are making a purchase from… this offer appears after you log into your paypal account. I read about this offer several weeks ago – when I tried it then I did not get anything to pop up. —- So if it does not pop up try every once in awhile…..