This is PERFECT – a 3 Month FREE Membership will get all of your Holiday shopping shipped fast and FREE.
Membership Benefits
There is no minimum purchase requirement to be an Amazon Mom member. If you join Amazon Mom, you will receive FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime for the first 3 months of your membership. For each $25 you spend within a single order in the Baby store, we’ll grant you an additional month of Amazon Prime shipping benefits. You can earn up to one year of Amazon Prime shipping benefits from the date you joined Amazon Mom. We may choose to extend this free offer for more than one year. With Amazon Prime, you will be entitled to FREE Two-Day shipping and $3.99 per unit One-Day shipping on all eligible purchases. The automatic renewal provisions in the Amazon Prime Terms & Conditions (which would require you to pay for Amazon Prime) do not apply to this membership, even if we decide to extend the free Amazon Prime shipping offer beyond one year. Amazon Mom members will also be entitled to discounts and promotions, which we will communicate to you via e-mail or make available on the Amazon Mom membership page at