Teacher, Teacher teach me, test me, did you grade my late work, remember I get 50% no less ……

Have you ever thought of an amazing new idea for an invention and then discovered it already existed.

Have you ever seen a TV show and thought, they must have cameras following me around.

Have you ever read something and said to yourself, that’s exactly what I was thinking, or in this case enduring…..

CLICK this LINK  to read the story.    Mathew Brown you have read my mind!

Only positive thing from this reading is that I can take solace knowing that the conditions in North Carolina are the same as in Florida, and I am sure many other states.

Thousands of you have found this site in different ways, some from Google, some from the book, and just a few, very few know me personally.     Some of you know I am a teacher, I have been for a very, very long time.  Sorry, this post is no real deal.  But the article may explain why I always need a good deal !

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